Trump is partly right about Amazon, but

Trump is partly right about Amazon, but for the wrong reasons – Trump’s obsession with Amazon probably has more to do with personal grudge than principle, but its power should nonetheless be checked Donald Trump has his sights set on Amazon. He is reportedly “obsessed” with the internet commerce giant, and as is his wont, […]

Is it time to break up the tech giants s

Is it time to break up the tech giants such as Facebook? | Larry Elliott – Amazon, Facebook and Google are as dominant as Standard Oil and AT&T were. But breaking them up is not going to be easy In the first decade of the 20th century, Standard Oil was as mighty as the tech […]

The Guardian view on big tech: a new era

The Guardian view on big tech: a new era needs new rules | Editorial – Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon are too big and too powerful. Regulation has to catch up with the changing character of the digital economy One beneficiary of the scandal surrounding a massive data leak from Facebook has been its fellow […]

Amazon’s Japanese headquarters raided b

Amazon’s Japanese headquarters raided by nation’s regulator – JFTC investigating firm over antitrust allegations that it demanded fees from suppliers for discounting products Amazon’s Japanese headquarters in Tokyo have been raided by the country’s fair trade watchdog on suspicion of violation of antitrust regulations. The Japanese Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) said on Thursday that Amazon […]

‘Fight fire with fire’: IMF’s Lagarde

‘Fight fire with fire’: IMF’s Lagarde calls for bitcoin crackdown – IMF chief says cryptocurrency’s own blockchain technology could be used to control it Christine Lagarde has called for a crackdown on bitcoin by using the technology behind the digital currency to “fight fire with fire”. The head of the International Monetary Fund said authorities […]

John Oliver on cryptocurrency: ‘You’re

John Oliver on cryptocurrency: ‘You’re not investing, you’re gambling’ – The comic discussed Bitcoin and digital finance in detail, pointing out the pitfalls and how ‘literally nobody knows how it’s going to develop’ John Oliver gave audiences a detailed introduction to the world of cryptocurrencies in this week’s episode of Last Week Tonight with a […]

Hundreds of bitcoin-mining servers stole

Hundreds of bitcoin-mining servers stolen in Iceland – Two people held and others questioned over large-scale thefts from data centres About 600 computer servers used to mine bitcoin were stolen in Iceland in a series of large-scale robberies in December and January, according to police. The servers were taken from data centres in Reykjanesbær, near […]

Bitcoin is based on the blockchain pipe

Bitcoin is based on the blockchain pipe dream | Nouriel Roubini and Preston Byrne – Overpriced cryptocurrencies owe their diminishing credibility to an over-hyped technology Predictions that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will fail typically elicit a broader defence of the underlying blockchain technology. Yes, the argument goes, more than half of “initial coin offerings” to […]

Check for whom the doorbell tolls | Brie

Check for whom the doorbell tolls | Brief letters – Amazon’s doorbell-cameras | Early TV reviews | Eyebrow prepping | US steel tariffs | Physics mnemonics | Remembering mnemonics I hope Amazon will tell customers for its video-camera doorbells about their obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation that comes into force in May (Report, […]

Amazon buys video doorbell firm Ring for

Amazon buys video doorbell firm Ring for over $1bn – Smart doorbell maker is retailer’s second largest acquisition as it pushes further into in-home deliveries and internet of things Amazon has acquired video doorbell and home security camera maker Ring in a deal reportedly worth more than $1bn, as it pushes further into the internet […]